os quatro elementos da natureza os quatro pilares da sabedoria os quatro atributos do corpo os quatro cavaleiros do apocalipse


to absent friends

Há um tempo em que é preciso abandonar as roupas usadas ...Que já têm a forma do nosso corpo ...E esquecer os nossos caminhos que nos levam sempre aos mesmos lugares ...É o tempo da travessia ...E se não ousarmos fazê-la ...Teremos ficado ... para sempre ...À margem de nós mesmos...
(Fernando Pessoa)

3 comentários:

JB disse...

My thoughts are with absent friends that, in reality, are never far as they are always so close from our hearts... for so many years we saw them grow, we grew together... And it is touching to see us walk the different paths each one choose and collecting the fruits from those choices... In particular, it is beautiful to watch the birth of the new generation of our blood that completes your lives, and completes my life... and it's amazing to think that we will continue to explore new and different paths, and share these experiences, as we have been doing for so many years know... and, again, I am touched when I think that the next time I'll see you, and the times after that, we will be so many more than we were in the beginning and so richer.. It's really a wonderful life!!!

Um abraço

wolverine disse...

digo-te que não ficaste a dever nada ao Pessoa da mensagem original.

abraço, confesso até que algo emocionado...

corto maltese disse...

concordo plenamente com os 2


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